Inspired by each day’s deepest thoughts or feelings, Tzu Li translated these messages into her textile languages among knitting, weaving, quilting, mending, and many other techniques. Being familiar with playing with colors and textures, Tzu Li used left-over, recycled, or vintage yarns and fabrics she collected over times, and manipulated with different techniques to represent her morning notes.

Tzu Li invites the participants to interpret their days into a piece of textile.

In the workshop, participants will first write down one of their recent days, for one-page long, and then will highlight the strongest or most appealing sentences within the notes. Afterwards, Tzu Li will encourage the participants to pick fabrics, yarns, and any other appliqués, according to the emotions and feelings in those highlighted sentences. Having several textile elements in front, participants can get inspirations from Tzu Li’s 50 Days of Morning Notes, and will be guided by Tzu Li to create their own one-of-a-kind textile page.

What Does Your Textile Day Look Like: 50 Days of Morning Notes
— workshop & exhibition

2024.9.6 fri - 9.8 sun